2020 Annual Meeting Overview

The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN) hosted the 13th Annual Meeting; November 18 – 21st: SVIN 2020 Virtual Meeting. This year’s fitting theme was “Advancement and Innovation Despite Adversity.”

These challenging times allow for unprecedented opportunities. While meetings have always been in the spirit of providing inspiration and education, it would be a disservice to ignore the important values of an in-person Annual Meeting, as they allowed for networking and provided the ideal environment to totally immerse yourself in the experience. Given the current pandemic, we navigated new waters with our first ever virtual Annual Meeting. This year’s Annual Meeting Committee made a conscious effort to pay homage to our conference tradition, while giving space for the new trends brought forth by the new world order and attempting to optimize interactions through a sophisticated virtual platform.

SVIN’s innate multidisciplinary and diverse nature is substantiated by the continued participation of physicians from varied specialties, advanced practice providers, neuroscientists, nurses, administrators, and industry collaborators across the globe. The conference encompassed established sessions with live content in addition to providing on-demand content.

SVIN 2020 started with live content for Stroke Center Day, covering the spectrum from pre-hospital management to rehabilitation, as well as the administrative aspects of running a stroke center. Other live topics throughout the meeting included the Joint Vascular Neurology & Neurointerventional, Cerebral Aneurysm, and Radial Angiography sessions, as well as the Fellow’s Course. This format maintains the value of our traditional conference, allowing scientists with different backgrounds to be brought together and substantiating SVIN’s commitment in educating the next generation, but in a virtual fashion.

Additionally, the on-demand content incorporated Vascular Neurology, Neurointerventional, and Advanced Practice Provider tracks, Clinical Trial Updates, as well as the highly anticipated joint session on Arteriovenous Malformations to be held in conjunction with the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS). Original research was promoted through interactive virtual oral platforms and posters.

While the COVID-19 pandemic is an evident theme in shaping the conference, it may not be so obvious that we should make the conscious choice to view the positive outcomes from this crisis. Instead of being immobilized, we have decided to actively seek content and strategies to mitigate the repercussions of adversity.

The Annual Meeting Committee, Fundraising Committee, SVIN’s Board of Directors, and Executive Committee would like to thank you for joining us at #SVIN2020. Finally, we would like to thank our meeting sponsors for their continued support of the SVIN Annual Meeting and encourage you to visit the virtual exhibit hall. Without the support of our industry partners, meetings such as this one would not be possible.

Together we will advance and innovate the cerebrovascular field despite adversities.

Diogo C. Haussen, MD, FSVIN
Chair, 13th Annual SVIN Meeting & At-Large Board Member

SVIN 2020 Annual Meeting Awards Winners –

2021 At Large Board Members –

  1. Diogo C. Haussen, MD, FSVIN
  2. Ossama Mansour, MD, PhD, FNR, EBNRct, FSVIN
  3. Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD
  4. Jawad Kirmani, MD, FSVIN
  5. Vallabh Janardhan, MD, FSVIN, FAHA, FAAN
  6. Gabor Toth, MD, FAHA

Pilot Grant Research –

  1. Thanh Nguyen, MD, FSVIN
    ‘CT for Late Endovascular Reperfusion’
  1. Shashvat M. Desai, MD
    ‘Transcranial Doppler To Determine Blood Pressure Target Post Thrombectomy (DOPPLER Study)

2020 Best Abstract Award –

  1. James E. Siegler, MD
    ‘The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic On Treatment Times for Acute Ischemic Stroke: The SVIN Multicenter Collaboration

2020 Young Investigator Award –

  1. Cynthia Zevallos Mau, MD
    ‘Proximal Internal Carotid Artery Acute Stroke Secondary to tandem Occlusions (PICASSO) International Survey’